Just thought i'd share this image i created recently for a charity called Home-Start. I was asked to pick a month for a charity calendar and create an image with Home-Start in mind. This idea for April came very quickly to me as i'd always wanted to create a flying machine of sorts, just never thought it'd be a flying egg! As much as it is obvious that it's a flying machine, i also wanted to incorporate a weather vane, external and an internal. We all get sad some days and i wanted to express that with a bit of help we can change our internal weather-vane to something happy and that is where the rainbow comes in. It's quite a meaningful image for me as i am too aware of how life can have it's lumps and bumps, how people can come and go, how we can be served a curve-ball smack in the face. With a little nurturing, with help and a bit of love we can change how we feel.
I have recently been feeling slightly dampened with my work and creativity, but from people reaching out to me, my internal weather-vane is starting to change shape and colour. I had a lovely email from John Pollex a wonderful potter, who i'd never met or heard of before. Just giving me a bit of encouragement and making me realise a few things made me feel very warm. I also received a lovely email from Louise Mortley who helps run Home-Start with words of encouragement too. People never cease to amaze me when they share their feelings and kind words. We all need it, some more than others but i am always grateful when someone reaches out past their own selves to share their thoughts and feelings. so a big thank you to those that have. I also want to thank Cass for pushing me to show my work and give me some good advice, it's always appreciated :) and my very good friend The Garrulous Griffin, who ALWAYS has wise words to share (see his blog, it's bright and shiny and new)
Who knows what is in store for me this year, i'm not sure if i'm still working with the publisher any more but i do still love drawing and painting so will keep on keeping on.